The Quantum Journey – Energy Enhancement System in Wilmington NC
A Week-Long Energetic Reset for the Body, Mind, and Spirit for the New Year using the principles of 5 Element Chinese Theory and Light (Photomodulation)
Guided by Janis Pulliam, LMBT#1379
Saturday, February 8 – 11am-12:30pm in the Energy Enhancement System at the Quantum Journey.
Cost: $129 includes patches, the healing energy of the Energy Enhancement System, and detox bath.
Or $69 for current Brand Partners-(you will need 5 pairs of Energy Enhancers, 5 Glutathiones, 5 Aeons, and 5 Carnosine Patches for the week).
The 5 Element Reset, or Detox, was formulated by acupuncturists according to the Five Element Acupuncture Theory. During the C*VID pandemic, they were trying to figure out how to service their patients since they could not see them in person. They started using phototherapy (light) patches and discovered the patches worked as well as, if not better than, the needles. The patches are stronger than the needles and are left in place longer than traditional needles, which gives a sustained effect not achieved by needles alone.
The 5 Element Protocol using acupressure points and phototherapy, has been shared with massage therapists, functional health practitioners, chiropractors and other health professionals, as well as non-licensed individuals. Janis will be sharing this protocol with those interested in opening up their meridians and nourishing each channel and organ with the correct balance of energy. According to the 5 Element Theory of acupuncture used for thousands of years, disharmony or imbalances of energy causes symptoms of disease. The purpose of the workshop is to open up those meridians and nourish the organs with a flood of the body’s own natural energy, or chi.
Day 1 Stimulate and detoxifies on the Liver and Gall Bladder Meridians.
Day 2 Stimulate and detoxifies on the Pericardium and Triple Warmer Meridians.
Day 3 Stimulate and detoxifies on the Spleen and Stomach Meridians.
Day 4 works on the Lungs and Large Intestines Meridians.
Day 5 works on the Kidneys and Bladder Meridians.
They look like little round adhesive bandages (like band-aids), and are manufactured with liquid organic crystals (including organic amino acids and sugars) that are sealed into the patch – they are NON-transdermal which means that no substances of any kind go into your skin or body. The crystals function as chiral isomers to twist and bend light into particular wavelengths. These wavelengths of light then trigger your intelligent body to create its own biochemical changes and energy changes in your body based on the wavelength of light. This is similar to how sunlight (which is a particular wavelength of light) on the skin triggers a particular biochemical change: the formation of Vitamin D. When your body receives that particular wavelength of light from the sun, your intelligent body knows what to do! It makes Vitamin D. The sun is an external source of light. The patches use an INTERNAL source of light: YOU! The amino acids and stereoisomers in the center of the patch form a micro-crystalline lattice which becomes an “optical reflector” to refract YOUR own light (your body’s own photon emission – infrared light that you give off). YOU are the power source for this amazing technology. Each patch type has different arrangements of chiral isomer liquid crystals, and therefore each patch reflects/refracts different signals to the body to stimulate the body to create its own biochemical changes that are unique to each patch type. So using this amazing technology on acupressure/acupuncture points, in addition to receiving the energy of the EESystem can be a powerful healing experience.
Join us at the Quantum Journey on February 8 from 11am-12:30pm in the Energy Enhancement System to begin the week-long 5 Element Reset. Instructions for the reset will be given including on which points to place the patches, information about the phototherapy patches, a brief explanation of the 5 Element Theory, mitigating detox symptoms, and what to expect for the rest of the week. Being the in EE System and its healing energy will enhance the benefits of the reset/detox.
Subsequent days of the week-long protocol will be available online in a private Facebook Group where participants can complete the reset in the comfort of their own home, interact with each other and ask questions. An instructional video will be provided daily in the FB group along with a daily email with pertinent information sent to your personal email address. You will be fully supported during this process. If you are unable to attend the first class in person, instructions will be available in the private 5 Element Reset FB group for Day 1. But you are highly encouraged to attend the live class.
Disclaimer: Please consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any detox program for any personal contraindications to detox. Janis is licensed massaged therapist trained in acupressure, and a Functional Health Practitioner trained through the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology. She is not a medical provider nor acupuncturist.
To Register, call or text Janis at (910) 620-5765